Credit Card Processing
Flat Rate—$199 A YEAR

Six Month/No Obligation FREE Trial
No set up fees
Call today and ask us how


"We've been using this program for about 6 weeks now, we run very high tickets here, average tickets in the neighborhood range from 6-10 grand. I've not had one complaint on the processing fee. I was very apprehensive to say the least about it initially, but I told them, i'd give it a try, in fact, we ran parallel systems, and are still running them, and have not had one person decide not to go forward. From my standpoint, I was a real doubter about this and thought it would effect the overall business, and it hasn't! Give it a shot!" —Skip Smith, AutoSmith

"3.99% Will be charged on all Credit/Debit cards transactions. My sign provided breaks it down, Customers WILL pay it, all you have to do is offer it. Don't be afraid to offer it, and customers won't be afraid to pay it!" —Jonas Auto Repair

"Cloudtech payments has been a value to my business by providing lower costs to my credit card processing. At the very beginning I was dealing with one of the big banks, and it just seemed like I was getting Fee'd to death. The easiest way for a business to make more money is to spend less, that's the first thing you can do, lower your overhead. CloudTech has really allowed me to do that and hold onto more of my own money. To business owners, just be upfront about it, share with your customers their options, they can either save money by paying with cash, or get charged a fee for using plastic! The customer will choose what is more convenient for them. The longer you wait, the more money it's going to cost you. Get on board and don't waste time!" —Kaylor Motor Sports


You, the business owner, get 100% of the sale and at the end of the month, your processing fees will be ZERO!


Point-of-purchase pricing and discount signage clearly spell out the process to customers.


With our software, all the processing fees will be incorporated into the sale and a small fee is passed to the cardholder.


Even better, your customers are rewarded for paying in cash with a $3.99% discount!


0% credit card processing
Collect 100% of processing sales
No transaction/junk fees
100% legal and available in 50 states
Stop paying processing fees
Next day funding
No upfront costs

  Cloud Tech
Interchange Fee 2% - 4% of gross = 0%
Authorization Fee $0.05 - $0.25 = 0%
Statement Fee $5 - $10/mo = 0%
Monthly Minimum $25 - $50/mo = 0%
Online Access Fees $3 - $15/mo = 0%
Other Junk Fees $1 - $199/mo = No Junk Fees

Ready to get started?